Christmas is coming
That wonderful time of the year is looming once more, it really seems to have come around so quickly this year, but now is definitely the time to embrace it and get planning for however you intend to spend the time, whether quietly at home with family, celebrating with a crowd or heading off to a holiday home. Whatever you plan to do ensure you include plenty of fresh flowers and foliage to decorate your home or wherever you're spending the time.
Our festive wreaths will be on our Website shortly for you to order from 1st November to be delivered locally or posted, along with festive gifting bouquets, table centres and foliage garlands to adorn your stair-cases and mantles. Final order day for wreaths and garlands will be 10th December as the garlands have a 10 day lead in time. Gifting and other bouquets available until 22nd December.
We also offer bespoke festive decor. Please get in touch as soon as possible to book a consultation. We will visit your home/venue and provide you with an illustrated quotation within 48 hours of our visit. Please book soon by calling us on 07891 299020, as availability is limited and decorating days are booking up fast.